Legal Notice
Oliver Bartsch GmbH
Servatiusstr. 80
DE-51109 Cologne
T +49-221-922656-0
F +49-221-922656-21
Managing director: Oliver Bartsch
First authorised representative: Britta Bartsch
AG Köln HRB 99263
VAT ID No. pursuant to §27a UStG:
Photo credits
Adobe Stock, GLASKLAR
Legal notices
Oliver Bartsch GmbH continually revises and updates the information on its website. However, we assume no liability for and make no guarantee as to the topicality, correctness or completeness of the information provided on this site.
The same applies in particular to third party websites we refer to with hyperlinks. We are not responsible for the content of such websites.
Oliver Bartsch GmbH reserves the right to make changes or amendments to the provided information at any time without notice.
The content and the structure of the website are protected by copyright. Data and information, in particular the content of texts, parts of text and image material, may not be reproduced unless we give prior explicit consent.
Company names, trademarks and product names are subject to the brand, patent and trademark protection of their respective owners.
These legal notices have been drawn up to the best of knowledge and in all conscience in accordance with the current laws. Please notify us should the applicable laws change. We will then make the necessary amendments as quickly as possible. If only parts of the applicable laws change, then all other provisions remain in full force and effect.